Mark Machado, better known as Mister Cartoon, is a Mexican American tattoo artist and graffiti artist based in Los Angeles, California. Since the age of eight, Mr. Cartoon realized he was an artist and went on his first paying art job at the age of twelve. Having grown up in the Harbor area of Los Angeles County, young Cartoon began airbrushing t-shirts and Lowrider cars before adopting the legendary "Fineline Style" tattoo art, which was developed in the California prison system. Ironically though, it is that art that is bow gracing the skins of today's biggest pop and hip-hop stars. Earning his nickname as an artist on the street. His art got him out of trouble and landed him a career. He has explored many different types of artistic practive including sign painting, graffiti, automotive murals and magazine illustrations. These paved the way for the tattooing human bodies.
Machado designed the logo for Cypress Hill and Italian rapper Fabri Fibra. He has tattooed the bodies of Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Eminem, Method Man, Xzibit,Prodigy, Travis Barker, and many more.
In addition to tattoos, Machado's work has been used by Nike, Toyota, T-Mobile, MetroPCS and in Grand Theft Auto. Machado appeared in the documentary Scarface: Origins of a Hip Hop Classic, and a film is being made about his life. Machado is a contributor to Mass Appeal Magazine. Together with friend and frequent collaborator Estevan Oriol, he owns Joker Brand Clothing. He is affiliated with Soul Assassins.
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